16th June 2013

No more treatment now

She wrote on hospital door

So brave, so proud Gran

By Linda Garner

We were so worried.

Your Aunt and Uncle love you!

Niece better again!

By C F Garner

A card from my niece

“I miss you Chris and Ana”

Isn’t she lovely?

By Ana Clara Oliveira Santos

Silver Fox dashing

Through ferns, grass clumps and bracken

Sleek and elegant

By Phi Yaan-Zek

Macca plays Brazil

with 24 Beatle songs

Oba! Amazing!

By C F Garner

I could have lingered 

Holding open the door but 

You seemed far. Now, doubts.

By Pete Lambert

Where there were tank traps

Peace has recovered the ground

Regard the bluebells

By June Gadsby

He is leaving soon

Saudades times start again

Enjoy England, love

By Ana Clara Oliveira Santos

Stand still and Look in

A well of tears flow through here

My eyes add to them

By Linda Garner

This Tree still stood tall

Around all was taken now

Life like love goes on

By Linda Garner

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