28th August 2011
Harvesting the beans
Growing my own food these days
You all should try it
By Angie Thomas
Deeply Sleep; or Love
Honour Horizontal Hours
Where Dreams are Conceived
By C F Garner
Warm and dry winter
My nose thinks it`s a desert
Oh, please pour some rain
By Ana Clara Oliveira Santos
Inspiration strikes
Fingers dance freely on keys
A novel concept
By Mark Garner
To find my cascade
In perpetual motion
With freedom and ease
By Phi Yaan-Zek
Inaudible till
Too close to focus now, knew
I'd get bit, but slept
By Pete Lambert
Black velvet jungle
Fireflies dress silent river
Cicadas sing sweet.
By June Gadsby
Round Sacred Baobab
Sorrowing souls still linger
Beneath ancient boughs.
By June Gadsby
Inspiration low;
Reluctance reigns supreme,
Paints a blank canvas.
By June Gadsby
Dark thoughts, blind worms crawl
Trailing poisonous demons.
Turn to the light - cleansed.
By June Gadsby
Haiku, five, then seven.
Oh, what have you done to me?
Can't stop Haiku-ing!
By June Gadsby
21st August 2011
Ancient engines roar
Reading "Tyger burning bright"
From an antique page
By Mark Garner
Moonlight Reflecting
Upon Pond Water Ripples.
The Surface Tension
By C F Garner
Thank you my dear Skype
For a new experience
Above all distance
By Ana Clara Oliveira Santos
In earthly fragments
Coalesce from timeless realms
Bathe in the one light
By Phi Yaan-Zek
No rhymes spring to mind
Need some inspiration quick
Bugger it blank mind
By Angie Thomas
Dark skies like dark thoughts.
Thunder echoes, heart beats still;
Till Monsoon's Release
By June Gadsby
14th August 2011
Says the English man:
Greenwich- this is where time starts.
Me: where does it end?
By Ana Clara Oliveira Santos
Have too much to do
Need a holiday from time
Live in the freeze frame
By Phi Yaan-Zek
Charles Darwin’s Notebooks
Voyages of the Globe and Mind
I Stand Where He Stood
By C F Garner
A murder of Crows
By a tiding of Magpies
A right carry on
By Mark Garner
"Knew he could do it,
and only two office days!"
(He last slept Wednesday)
By Pete Lambert
Just went to the pub
Had an awesome time with friends
Want to go to bed
By Chris ‘Dicky Mint’ Kirt
7th August 2011
Big English bear hug
A sure way to happiness
When will our paths cross?
By Ana Clara Oliveira Santos
Listened in a chair
To Water Music mindful
Of great poverty
By Mark Garner
à Borboleta
Synchronicities & Signs
The Path Opens Up
By C F Garner
Too much Pottering
Easy jetting out of here
To ground on the beach
By Phi Yaan-Zek
Thank you for your words
From the bottom of my heart
Hugs, Love, light and smiles
By Nathalie Sintes
Head is hurting now
It needs hands to massage it
No offers to help
By Linda Diane Thomas
Quaker founders ruled
Borough dry which found us
Off the beaten track
By Pete Lambert
Is Autumn here now?
Its August not October
Sun is requested
By Angie Thomas